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Joshua BellMurray PerahiaGil ShahamJulia FischerEmanuel AxMarin Alsop





Virtuoso Voices™ is an interview clip and fundraising service for classical music radio stations. Your listeners have the opportunity to hear today’s leading classical music performers, conductors and composers introducing their performances in 20 to 30 second audio clips.

To connect listeners with the musicians they regularly enjoy on your station, these clips feature performers talking about

  • specific pieces of music associated with each musician, including their most recent recordings
  • their personal thoughts about classical music
  • entertaining and revealing aspects about the nature of performing and the performer's life.

These topical and evergreen sound bites enable your announcers to take listeners backstage for the words, wit and wisdom of classical music’s leading performers.  

For example, a host playing Sarah Chang’s recording of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons could introduce it with Ms. Chang describing, in her own words, why she prefers playing it without a conductor - as she did with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  After the clip, the announcer returns and segues directly into playing the recording.

In addition to providing your listeners an insider’s perspective to the music they hear, Virtuoso Voices Performer Clips can also be used for

  • memorable classical music imaging and branding for your station
  • forward promotion for a performance you'll include later in your shift
  • compelling audio for your web site
  • creating out-of-the-ordinary promos to use when a musician comes to perform in your market

You can hear Virtuoso Voices Performer Clips within the context of an actual on-air break by clicking on one of the audio links on the Radio-Online Page

Virtuoso Voices clips are versatile. You can use a different clip several times a week or several times a month; it's up to you. Visit the Getting Started Page to see how other stations put Virtuoso Voices on their air.    

Consistent with best practices and findings from the PRPD Classical Music Core Values Project, each audio clip is concise and advances listeners’ enjoyment and understanding of classical music.

Virtuoso Voices™ Performer Clips are available to stations on PRX for triple points (requires PRX station membership).

Each audio clip downloaded from PRX includes copy for a Suggested Host Intro and Outro and music recommendations.  We are committed to making this service convenient and easily accessible to stations and station personnel.

Virtuoso Voices is Public Radio’s primary source for classical music fundraising messages. 

Learn more about Virtuoso Voices Fundraising™ and audition fundraising messages on the Public Radio Fundraising page.

For more information, please contact us at .
   Virtuoso Voices: Classical Music's Virtuosos
Want a Word with Your Listeners™

    All Virtuoso Voices Written and Audio content is copyright of LDP, Inc.
All rights reserved.